Table of Contents:
  • Foreword: I. Sol Barkin's Several Lives / Clark Kerr
  • Foreword: II. Sol Barkin
  • The Unionist / Sol Stetin
  • Preface and Acknowledgments
  • Introduction (starting p. 3)
  • 1 The Two Worlds of Solomon Barkin (starting p. 8)
  • 2 A System of Trade Union Economics (starting p. 36)
  • 3 Workers, Jobs, and Unions (starting p. 62)
  • 4 Responsibilities of Industry (starting p. 85)
  • 5 How Unions Serve Their Members (starting p. 119)
  • 6 Coordinated Government Policy (starting p. 157)
  • 7 Decline of the Labor Movement (starting p. 192)
  • Conclusion: Full Productive and Freely Chosen Employment (starting p. 230)
  • Bibliography: The Works of Solomon Barkin (starting p. 243)
  • Bibliography: Other Works Cited (starting p. 273)
  • Index (starting p. 279)
  • About the Author (starting p. 287)