Law and legislation 519,014 Law 194,607 Literature 109,912 Legal status, laws, etc 108,536 Labor unions 70,600 Language and languages 68,579 Land tenure 62,681 Liturgy 52,563 Local government 42,491 Labor 41,542 Labor laws and legislation 40,062 Libraries 39,846 Land use 38,907 Language 36,326 Labor supply 31,836 Lawyers 31,176 Latin language 31,078 Linguistics 30,673 Legends 30,178 Labor movement 28,989 Literature, Modern 28,579 Leadership 28,195 Languages 27,963 Law reports, digests, etc 27,653 Lutheran Church 24,329 Love 23,669 LITERARY CRITICISM 19,797 Logic 19,596 Librettos 18,183 Library 17,992 Liberty 17,478 Literatur 16,580 Leisure 16,471 LAW 16,265 Literature and society 15,703 Life Sciences 15,163 Lesbians 15,160 LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES 14,782 Legislators 14,770 Land titles 14,485 Labor market 14,122 Liberalism 14,042 Lord's Supper 13,800 Library science 12,826 Liturgics 11,979 Life 11,901 Land reform 11,767 Law enforcement 11,760 Language, style 11,265 Legislation 11,158 Land settlement 11,038 Language and culture 10,966 Landscapes 10,780 Life sciences 10,726 Legislative bodies 10,528 Learning and scholarship 10,503 Loans 10,325 Local transit 10,273 Literacy 10,129 Landscape architecture 10,050 Legislative history 9,770 Literary style 9,731 Labor and laboring classes 9,707 Land use, Rural 9,695 Livestock 9,420 Logic, Symbolic and mathematical 9,242 Licenses 8,973 Literature, Medieval 8,581 Life insurance 8,547 Law reform 8,261 Labor productivity 7,962 Learning, Psychology of 7,674 Lexicography 7,597 Labor policy 7,521 Latin literature 7,520 Landlord and tenant 7,444 Lexicology 7,365 Letters 7,269 Language arts 7,236 Learning 6,967 Law (Philosophical concept) 6,760 Letter writing 6,729 Literature and the war 6,456 Literature, Comparative 6,436 Latin 6,344 Liability (Law) 6,340 Local finance 6,333 Language policy 6,329 Latin poetry 6,183 Learned institutions and societies 6,162 Lasers 5,991 Lumber trade 5,846 Land grants 5,826 Literary 5,712 Libel and slander 5,656 Latin American literature 5,556 Latter Day Saints 5,395 Landscape gardening 5,296 Literary collections 5,250 Legislative amendments 5,232